Once Carrie and I had decided to leave Fire Monkeys, the question of what we do next, together or individually obviously loomed large. Carrie found the opportunity to caretake a studio gallery in Southsea once a week, as well as continuing to work at home and regularly exhibit at Yellow Edge. I've been taking it easy, doing a bit of lino work and making my studio more useable before taking some time to travel around Scandinavia and having some work done to the house. Late summer/autumn has become a bit of a reset time for me.
Having said that, back in May/June I visited Carrie in her new situation, "Portrayal" working studio, and discovered a really nice space to work in and with the potential to be a great exhibition venue too. Carrie approached the owner, Michelle, and to cut this story short, we are currently in the middle of a two week exhibition, showing work from the two of us and Kristy Fleury, another former Fire Monkey who got out a few months before us. And it looks really good!

I'll post a report, with pictures, when it's finished but it's been an interesting and indeed fun experience and one almost certainly worth repeating some time.