It's been a few weeks now since our exhibition closed. Overall I think it was pretty successful - Carrie sold quite a few pieces, we had a decent amount of footfall despite a street-art festival on the middle weekend, and Kristy and I both got good feedback at least. It was a little disappointing that some people who said they'd come didn't but for a show in a new venue with artists not in the forefront of Portsmouth/Southsea folk's thinking, it went well.
The work I put in was almost exclusively pieces that I couldn't realistically show at Hotwalls - sculpture pieces mostly, featuring piano keys and things like glass rods, computer keys and an LED strip. I think that, for me at least, this exhibition also draws something of a line under the past few years, especially as I intend to make much more printwork in the future. That future is however, starting later than planned! The last few weeks have been ridiculously busy with travel, house remodelling, and various family things meaning I haven't even been in my studio for months.

Future posts WILL be more regular. Having had all sorts of issues with maintaining this site as it was, I've pared it down significantly so that it will mainly be a news about me outlet in the future.