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I am still having some problems with this site since its migration to Yell/Wix - the shop still doesn't work and I'm writing this on my phone because I can't get web access to the blog. If I had the energy, I'd scrap it and start from scratch.

Anyway, just to let my very few readers know that I have a couple of pieces going in to Yellow Edge's "Flower Power" exhibition later in April (poster below). I shall be doing more with Yellow Edge in the future now that my Fire Monkeys time is over.

I have also found myself being more creative since leaving Hotwalls and have nearly finished a new multi/mixed media work that I hope to show, together with other work that was not suitable for showing at Hotwalls, some time later this year. Hopefully this will be in collaboration with Carrie too and at YE.

Finally my studio, which had got itself into a hideous mess, is now almost tidy and certainly much more useable. It's very nice being able to sit at some work, know more or less where everything is, and finding things I'd forgotten I had!



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